Get Ready for the Big Game! Mark your calendars and get ready to join the Fellowship Team for an exciting All-Ages Game Day on Saturday, February 8, from 3-5 pm. It’s the perfect opportunity for some friendly competition, laughter, and bonding with your PHLC family! We’ve got a fantastic selection of snacks and games lined [...]
Join Us! We Make A Place for Everyone! God’s Imperfect People “Go in peace, share the good news.” Week after week Christians gather together, hear the word proclaimed, share a meal, and are sent out to bear the good news of God in Christ Jesus to a hungry, needy world. Inside though, we wonder why [...]
Join Us! We Make a Place for Everyone Overview A fundamental decision is placed before us this day: Will we choose the way of blessing or the way of woe? The death and resurrection of Jesus is the pivot on which the decision turns. To be in Christ means that we get planted by streams [...]
Join Us! We Make a Place for Everyone! Overview The promise and its fulfillment may not look at all alike, even though they are intimately connected. Paul speaks about seeds and plants as he tries to picture resurrection life. Joseph’s brothers never thought they would see him alive again, so how shocking he must have [...]
Schedule time with our Minister
Many times new or potential members need to meet with Pastor Ryan to decide if PHLC is right for them.