Opening Doors to God’s Promise

This year, our stewardship campaign focuses on how our budget is more than numbers—it’s a narrative of impact, growth, and transformation. Each of Perry Highway Lutheran Church’s four pillars —faith, Inclusion, Community, and Family—is supported by our members’ generosity, creating a spiritual home for all. Here’s how our 2025 budget allocation sustains our mission and impacts lives in our congregation and beyond.

1. Faith – 38% of the Budget

Story of Impact: Faith is central to everything we do at Perry Highway Lutheran Church. We nurture our congregation’s relationship with God through worship services, Bible studies, spiritual formation, and pastoral care. These experiences don’t just “happen”—they require musicians, pastors, and dedicated staff to create spaces that glorify God and touch hearts.

Budget Allocation: This part of the budget covers salaries for worship leaders, maintenance of the sanctuary, and resources for spiritual growth (such as Bible study materials, hymnals, and devotional guides).

Visual Representation: “38% of our budget supports worship and spiritual formation, ensuring that the doors of faith remain open for all who seek to grow in Christ.”

Example: “Last week, John, a newer member, shared how the Bible study became a unique experience shared by all who participate each week. Your giving ensures we continue to provide spaces for members like John to encounter God in a deep, personal way.”

2. Inclusion – 11% of the Budget

Story of Impact: As a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation, inclusion is at the heart of our mission. We believe that everyone is welcome in God’s house, actively working to ensure that people of all backgrounds—regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, or socioeconomic status—find a home here.

Budget Allocation: This budget segment funds inclusion programs, accessibility updates (like ramps or assistive listening devices), outreach to marginalized communities, and inclusivity training for our staff and members.

Visual Representation: “11% of our budget is dedicated to maintaining a welcoming space where all people can feel loved and included, in line with our commitment as an RIC congregation.”

Example: “Kristen and Meesha Gerhart, a couple who joined our church, found a welcoming home at Perry Highway, where their love and faith were affirmed. Through your generosity, we can continue to create safe and welcoming spaces for everyone.”

3. Community – 30% of the Budget

Story of Impact: Our commitment to community is rooted in Christ’s example of service. Whether it’s supporting back-to-school needs, providing winter coats, or offering a space for local support groups, our building serves as a hub of outreach and transformation in the North Hills area.

Budget Allocation: This portion of the budget includes building maintenance to keep our church open and ready for community events, costs for outreach programs (like meals and service projects), and support for initiatives like our partnership with Jewish Community Services to help a refugee family.

Visual Representation: “30% of our budget supports community outreach, keeping our building open and ready to serve as a hub for transformation, healing, and love.”

Example: “Next week, Jane will share how we have supported a refugee family by working with JCS and two other Lutheran Churches in the North Hills.”

4. Family – 21% of the Budget

Story of Impact: Family is integral to our mission, and we recognize all forms of family—traditional, non-cis-normative, or single-parent. We offer children’s and youth programs, support for parents, and intergenerational experiences, creating a nurturing spiritual home for all families.

Budget Allocation: This segment funds youth ministry, children’s education, and intergenerational activities (such as family retreats and events). It also maintains spaces for family connection, including playgrounds, youth rooms, and nursery areas.

Visual Representation: “21% of our budget supports ministries to families, from children’s programs to youth and intergenerational activities that foster love and faith in every family.”

Example: “The week after next, Melissa will share how important PHLC has been to her family, and we all know how much her daughter, Penelope, has become a beloved part of our church family.”

Through this Narrative Budget, we see how each percentage of our budget reflects our values and priorities. Your stewardship supports the ongoing story of faith, inclusion, community, and family at Perry Highway Lutheran Church.  You can complete your pledge on-line easily using this link

Thank you for being a part of this journey as we open doors to God’s promises together.

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Worship Service

January 19 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am

National Day of Racial Healing

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Worship Service – RIC Sunday!

January 26 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am

Vibrant Seniors

January 26 @ 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm