Continuing This Important Work Through 2025

The North Hills Refugee Ministry is pleased to announce that we have received a grant renewal for our work in 2025, assisting refugees who are transitioning to a new life in Pittsburgh.  The Mission Endowment Fund of the Southwest Pennsylvania Synod has awarded us a renewal of the Ethel L Verney Grant totaling $38, 321.  One individual serving on the grants committee mentioned that a strength of our proposal is the laudable cooperative effort of three Lutheran congregations working together to improve the lives of the underserved.  At the time of her death, Ethel L. Verney bequeathed to the Synod over $4 million for the relief and support of people living in poverty within the Southwest Pennsylvania Synod.  St. John’s of Highland, Trinity Wexford, and Perry Highway Lutheran give thanks for her generosity, enabling us to extend our mission to refugees for another year.  Please continue to keep our ministry in your prayers.

Interested in learning more about our Refugee ministry and how you can contribute?  Please join us for an information dinner on April 7th, 6:00 pm at St. John Lutheran Church of Highlands.  We will have a speaker from Global Refuge (formerly Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service).  We will also discuss how we can continue to assist refugees even with the current federal climate. For additional information, please speak with Melinda Geiger or Jane Hein.