
The Finance and Stewardship Group at Perry Highway Lutheran Church, a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), is vital to our congregation’s ministry. The group is committed to ensuring the responsible management of the church’s financial resources and fostering a culture of generosity and faithful stewardship among its members.  Stewardship means more than just giving money.  Stewardship involves the use of your time and your talents, as well as your treasure, to live the values that Jesus preached.


The Finance and Stewardship Group at Perry Highway Lutheran Church, a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), is vital to our congregation’s ministry. The group is committed to ensuring the responsible management of the church’s financial resources and fostering a culture of generosity and faithful stewardship among its members.  Stewardship means more than just giving money.  Stewardship involves the use of your time and your talents, as well as your treasure, to live the values that Jesus preached.


The primary purpose of the Finance and Stewardship Group is to guide and support the congregation in its financial and stewardship responsibilities. This includes overseeing the church’s budget, managing its financial accounts, and ensuring transparency and accountability in all financial matters. Additionally, the group works to educate and encourage members to practice good stewardship by committing their time, talents, and resources to support the church’s mission and ministries.


The Finance and Stewardship Group typically comprises dedicated church members passionate about responsible financial management and a heart for stewardship. The group is led by a chairperson, who works closely with the church council, pastor, and treasurer to ensure smooth coordination of financial activities. The group may also include subcommittees or teams focused on specific aspects of finance and stewardship, such as budget planning, financial reporting, planned giving, and stewardship campaigns.

Key Responsibilities

  • Budget Planning and Oversight: The group collaborates with the church council and ministry leaders to develop an annual budget reflecting the congregation’s priorities and mission. They monitor the budget throughout the year and make adjustments as needed to ensure the responsible use of funds.

  • Financial Reporting: The Finance and Stewardship Group ensures that accurate and transparent financial reports are prepared and presented to the church council and congregation, providing updates on the church’s financial health and stewardship activities.

  • Stewardship Education and Campaigns: The group leads efforts to educate the congregation about the importance of faithful stewardship and promotes opportunities for members to commit their time, talents, and financial resources to the church’s ministries.

  • Planned Giving and Endowment Management: The group may oversee the church’s planned giving program and endowment funds, working to ensure their responsible management and growth to support the congregation’s long-term financial stability and mission.

  • Financial Policies and Procedures: The Finance and Stewardship Group develops and implements financial policies and procedures to ensure the church’s financial activities align with ELCA guidelines, legal requirements, and best practices.

Key Responsibilities

  • Budget Planning and Oversight: The group collaborates with the church council and ministry leaders to develop an annual budget reflecting the congregation’s priorities and mission. They monitor the budget throughout the year and make adjustments as needed to ensure the responsible use of funds.

  • Financial Reporting: The Finance and Stewardship Group ensures that accurate and transparent financial reports are prepared and presented to the church council and congregation, providing updates on the church’s financial health and stewardship activities.

  • Stewardship Education and Campaigns: The group leads efforts to educate the congregation about the importance of faithful stewardship and promotes opportunities for members to commit their time, talents, and financial resources to the church’s ministries.

  • Planned Giving and Endowment Management: The group may oversee the church’s planned giving program and endowment funds, working to ensure their responsible management and growth to support the congregation’s long-term financial stability and mission.

  • Financial Policies and Procedures: The Finance and Stewardship Group develops and implements financial policies and procedures to ensure the church’s financial activities align with ELCA guidelines, legal requirements, and best practices.