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Blue Christmas Service

Sanctuary 11403 Perry Highway, Wexford, PA, United States

Embracing the Solace of the Winter Solstice Perry Highway Lutheran Church (PHLC) warmly invites you to our Blue Christmas Service, a special gathering held on the Winter Solstice. Recognizing that the holiday season can be a challenging time for many, this service is designed to offer comfort, solace, and a sacred space for those experiencing […]

Worship Service

Sanctuary 11403 Perry Highway, Wexford, PA, United States

4th Sunday of Advent Being Recognized, Encountering Christ Often called the visitation, the encounter between Mary and Elizabeth is full of joy, recognition, gratitude, and blessing. Luke immediately follows the annunciation with Mary’s journey to visit Elizabeth, who gives this unmarried pregnant girl not only a safe haven but also the first glimpse of what […]

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Sanctuary 11403 Perry Highway, Wexford, PA, United States

Join Us for a Heartfelt Christmas Eve Celebration at PHLC! This Christmas Eve, we invite you to gather with us for a truly special candlelight service that will fill your heart with the warmth of the season. The evening will begin with special music at 5:00 pm, featuring the amazing Charles Prijatelj and his brass […]

Worship Service

Sanctuary 11403 Perry Highway, Wexford, PA, United States

1st Sunday of Christmas Becoming Who We Were Intended to Be In this Christmas season we celebrate that Jesus has come among us to free us from our enslavement to sin and to restore the dignity of our human nature. With Christ dwelling richly within us, we are empowered to answer our divine callings. In […]

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