PHL PreK Concert

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Support our PreKindergarten

Invite family, friends, neighbors, or even potential future PHLP family who may be interested to our PHLP Concert & Fundraiser Celebration on Friday, February 28, starting at 6:30 pm.
There will be a Concert with ALL programs participating together for the FIRST time. The concert will be followed by refreshments, cute fun for the kiddos, and a fundraising event which will include bidding/raffle baskets with everything from family fun to creative kids’ items to possibly even Events and experiences! There will also be Classroom Art for sale/bid and even a possibility or two for your child to win a chance to throw a pie or Dunk-a-bucket Mr. Ted, Pastor Ryan, and maybe even Ms. Theresa!
Church members are asked to donate, if possible. PHLC will provide an auction basket; the theme is active/sporty — balls, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, outdoor games, etc. being collected by Wendy through February 23. In addition, if you have event tickets, gift cards for businesses, or other items, please reach out to Alyssa Drespling at [email protected].
Come support our school and our staff and celebrate our Awesome school with us! We will be setting a “whole school” total fundraising goal as well, with a big Party Event for the students should we hit that goal.

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